• less is more


  • Agenda for Change: Less is More

    In my run for president, I embrace a simple truth: government ought to be like your favorite undergarment—supportive yet unobtrusive, and definitely not a topic of daily discomfort. My campaign, "Less is More," isn't just a catchy slogan; it's the cornerstone of my vision for a streamlined government that enhances freedom and cuts down on the excess. I am committed to dismantling needless bureaucracy, advocating for a slimmed-down yet more effective government. My agenda includes slashing redundant regulations, protecting individual privacy rights like they were state secrets, and ensuring that taxes are fair, straightforward, and not a labyrinthine ordeal. The overarching goal is to give power back to the people, making life simpler and liberty sweeter.

  • Eugene’s Four Point Plan

    Making A Leaner, Meaner Government

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    1. Spring Clean Legislation

    Did you know the average American ubnkowingly commits 3 felonies a day because of obscure laws still onthe books? No More!!! From now on, when we introduce one new rule, law, or regulation, two old ones have got to bounce. Just like your fridge needs a cleanout to ditch the moldy, forgotten leftovers, our legal system needs regular checks to ensure laws aren't past their prime. We'll also set up a review system to scrutinize old laws regularly. And all new laws coming across my desk without an expiration date will get veto'd

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    2. Make Tax Accountants Bored

    Let’s face it, taxes are about as enjoyable as a root canal, but they don’t have to be. We're streamlining the process so you can file them with one eye closed and one hand tied behind your back. Imagine comfortably filling out your tax forms while binge-watching your favorite series—yes, it’ll be that easy. No fuss, no muss, just done before the next episode starts. Our goal? To make taxes so straightforward, they feel less like a chore and more like a minor task you can tackle during a commercial break.

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    3. Out with Old

    Think of Congress like leftovers; they shouldn't last until they're unrecognizable. We need fresh ideas, not legislators who've turned Capitol Hill into their forever home. Let's keep things lively and turnover regular, ensuring everyone gets a chance to bring something new to the table before it goes stale. After all, politics should be more like speed dating, not a lifelong marriage!

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    4. Sponsored By... Bye Bye

    Let's face it, our elections have turned into the world's worst telethon where the highest bidder takes all. We're going to scrub the money stains out of politics with strict, clear rules that keep our elections fair and square. We are going to start with making your legislators wear patches to show who has paid for access. No more annonmyous billionaires playing puppet master! We’ll ensure that running for office doesn’t require a billionaire buddy—just good ideas and genuine support. It’s time to bring back the 'fun' in funding reforms, making sure every dollar is clean and every candidate is clear.

  • Puckfarkner's Top Issues

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    Tax Forms as Easy As Coffee Orders


    Why is it easier to order a quadruple-shot, no-foam, extra hot, pumpkin-spiced latte than to fill out your tax forms? Eugene pledges to simplify tax codes so they’re as easy to understand as your morning coffee order—hopefully without the bitter aftertaste.

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    DMV Smile Campaign

    If smiles can light up a room, why can’t they brighten the DMV? Eugene proposes a law requiring DMV workers to take comedy classes, focusing on the comedic style of Jerry Seinfeld. This will ensure that every citizen leaves with a grin. It’s time to turn those frowns upside down, one driver's license photo at a time.

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    National ‘Bring a Plant to Work’ Day:

    Concerned about the stuffy air in government buildings, Eugene champions the introduction of a national "Bring a Plant to Work Day" for all government offices. Cleaner air, happier workers, greener spaces—it’s a breath of fresh air for bureaucracy!

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    Make 'Em Dance

    With a nod to the sedentary lifestyle of government officials, Eugene proposes mandatory dance breaks during all congressional sessions. Not only will it keep our leaders fit, but it will also add a rhythmic pep to legislative proceedings.

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    Wi-Fi Password Declassification

    Eugene is baffled that the least transparent things in government are often the Wi-Fi passwords. He campaigns for all government Wi-Fi passwords to be straightforward and publicly accessible, because "transparency starts with 'Wi-Fi'."

  • 6 Facts About Eugene


    Neighborhood Ninja

    Eugene once organized a neighborhood watch program that, under his leadership, focused more on community potlucks and park clean-ups than on surveillance, fostering unity and laughter over suspicion.


    Retro Tech: Less is More

    Eugene insists on using a flip phone and writing with a fountain pen, arguing that "modern complexities can't beat the charm and simplicity of the past," which extends to his proposals for government reform.


    Diversity in Fashion

    A staunch supporter of individuality, Eugene has never worn matching socks to any public event, promoting his belief that "it's the mismatched colors that bring true diversity and beauty."


    Amateur Magician

    Eugene often incorporates magic tricks into his speeches, claiming that "a good politician needs to keep a few tricks up his sleeve" to keep the audience engaged and entertained.


    Simple Diet

    Eugene has famously simplified meal planning to just Cup-o-Noodles and Twinkies, promoting this diet as "a balanced approach to eating, just like his balanced approach to politics," ensuring there's always a little room for sweetness in life.


    Seinfeld Sage

    A devout "Seinfeld" aficionado, Eugene often draws parallels between episodes and political issues in his speeches, declaring, "If Jerry and George can navigate the soup Nazi, surely we can navigate Capitol Hill's."

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  • Why I am Running: Bringing Kindness Back

    Why am I running for president? Well, I figured it was either that or start a band, and let's just say my singing voice isn't exactly presidential. But really, I’m here to sprinkle a little kindness into the stew of politics, and who says you can’t use a big ol’ ladle to do it?


    See, I’ve always been that guy—the one turning lemonade stands into block parties and handing out free jokes like they were candy. Life’s too short not to laugh, right? So, I thought, why not bring that spirit to the big leagues? Imagine a government where kindness leads the charge, and every decision is made with a wink and a smile.


    Kindness isn’t just about being nice; it’s about being boldly, wonderfully, and sometimes hilariously human. It's about making laws while making someone's day. It's about not just passing bills but passing along a sense of joy and community. Politics has become a bit too serious, don’t you think? Let’s dial down the grumbles and turn up the chuckles. Let’s make meetings about meet-ups, and let’s replace the handshake with a high-five.


    So, here I am, running not just for office but for the sheer fun of reminding us all that behind every policy is a person, and maybe, just maybe, behind every legislator should be a whoopee cushion. Join me, won’t you? Let’s bring kindness back, and let’s keep it quirky. After all, if we’re going to make a mess, it might as well be a beautiful one!

  • FAQs

    Answering the most common questions from my mom about the Puckfarkner campaign